Hush now….
September 23, 2020
Singing Into the Void!
September 27, 2020
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There is No Shame….

There is no shame here.
The rubble in your life
is an earthquake of soul
shaking you awake
crumbling all that’s inessential
to your most authentic self.

And you?
You are too big
for words like shame
for words like blame.

You are wild volcanic soul
melting everything
that does not belong.

Burn, woman, burn.

Move through the world
in ever-widening steps.
Own your transformation
in the arc of your shoulders
in the expanse of your heart.
Dance like your hips
move mountains
casting off everything
that does not belong.

There is no shame here.

Your ancestors knew
that nature is beautiful
and terrifying
that rainbows
are courted by storms
that day shares
the sky with night
that decay caresses
beauty’s cheek.

That rubble? That trouble?
It is initiation. It is invitation.
Your deepest self is
calling you down down
so that you can grow up
rooted like trees,
your heart green
even amongst the ashes.

Green like spring
green like yes
green like hope
green like nature’s embrace
after the fire
after the rubble
rising up from the cracks
of all the lost places
green like resurrection
like you
Wild. Free.

This is your invitation.
This is your initiation.
This is your belonging.
We are waiting for you
in the wild expanse of soul.

And there is no shame here.

© Angi Sullins


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